Dr. Angelo Gobbi (LMF-LNLS)
Prof. Dr. Claudimir Lucio do Lago (IQ-USP)
Prof. Dr. Eduardo Mathias Richter (IQ-UFU)
Profa. Dra. Elisabeth Igne Ferreira (FCF-USP)
Prof. Dr. Emanuel Carrilho (IQSC-USP)
Dr. Evandro Piccin (IQSC-USP)
Prof. Dr. Fernando Abdulkader (ICB-USP)
Prof. Dr. Gonçalo Guimarães Pereira (IB-UNICAMP)
Dr. Lucas Blanes (IQ-USP)
Prof. Dr. Luis Otávio (FEM-UNICAMP)
Prof. Dr. Marco Aurélio Z. Arruda (IQ-UNICAMP)
Profa. Dra. Marina F. M. Tavares (IQ-USP)
Prof. Dr. Pedro L. O. Volpe (IQ-UNICAMP)
PhD. Susan M. Lunte (The Ralph Adams Institute for Bioanalytical Chemistry, The University of Kansas, KS, USA )
Profa. Dra. Susanne Rath (IQ-UNICAMP)
Prof. Dr. Wendell K. T. Coltro (IQ-UFG)